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Des renards et des hommes - 21 juillet- 4 août 2024

Pratique de l'anglais, confiance en soi, faune sauvage en ville Voir descriptif détaillé

Des renards et des hommes - 21 juillet- 4 août 2024

Pratique de l'anglais, confiance en soi, faune sauvage en ville Voir descriptif détaillé

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Accueil > Nos actions > Journal de Bord des Opérations > Des renards et des hommes - 21 juillet- 4 août 2024

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Le Projet

 Sunday, July 21th 2024

Today is the big day : we all meet in London, get to know another and start discovering the city !

In the afternoon we started exploring our neighbourhood. We went to a park called Stave Hill ecological park and played a few games to learn each other’s name. We also had a discussion about our common rules for the stay.

At night we went out to try and see foxes. We had been walking about a 2 minutes when we saw a fox next to a bench, about 10 meters away. It was incredible ! Then we kept walking and we split in smaller groups, and some of us got lucky enough to see others.

 Monday, July 22th 2024

In the morning, we transcripted our common rules (they are meant to help us to get along) on a large piece of paper. We also chose English texts to practice reading aloud, in order to improve our vocabulary and pronunciation. Some of us went with Nour to Tesco to buy something to eat.

In the afternoon we went to Green Park and saw Buckingham Palace. Afterwards we went to St James Park to hang out. We did exercices to learn how to introduce ourselves and to talk to foreigners in English.

After that we went for a walk and saw the Horse Guards House, Westminster Abbey and Big Ben.

In the evening, after dinner, we went for a walk to see foxes. Some of us saw dozens ! They’re not very shy.

It was a great day !

(written by)

 Tuesday, July 23th 2024

After an classical morning ( waking up, breakfast, etc.) we started to work : reading aloud, pinpointing the places where we saw foxes on the map, playing cards together. We also watch the result of our answers to the survey on the computer.

Then we took the underground to Baker Street. After a little walk we arrived to a big and beautiful park called « Regent’s Park ».
It was noon so Emilia and a group of three ( Erell, Emma and Chloé) went shopping for lunch. In the meantime the rest of the group played « werewolf ». When the lunch arrived we were all hungry !

After lunch we started to do the survey on foxes with people sitting in the park. It was funny and we all got at least one answer. Then we went to a neighbourhood called « Camden Town ». We got a little hour on our own to do shopping. Then we wet back home and had dinner.

Emilia asked us to do our program of the rest of the week, so we did. Then some of us went to sleep and the rest of us went outside to see foxes. And finally we all fall into a restorative sleep.

(written by Juliette and Violette)

 Wednesday, July 24th 2024

 Thursday, July 25th 2024

To start the day nicely we woke up and eat a typical English breakfast together. Afterwards we went to Stave Hill ecology park to do a few stretching exercises. Then with Emilia and Rozenn we practiced reading aloud our texts to improve our prononciation.

Rozenn introduced us to statistics and notions such as « average »,« sample »,« data »,« random », etc. These words can be useful for our science project about foxes, because we will be using data and statistics.

At noon we came back to the hostel to eat lunch. We had wraps with vegetables and fruits.

During the afternoon we split into groups of two, same as yesterday.
The first group took the underground to Chinatown, Piccadilly Circus, Regent’s street, Trafalgar Square and Covent Garden. We saw acrobats performing their shows, it was really impressive. We walked around and did some shopping.😊

The second group visited the natural history museum. We looked at the dinosaurs zone, mammals zone, Reptiles zone, birds zone, stones zone ... The building is amazing and looks a little like a Harry Potter set (that pleased Clementine and Juliette a lot !).🇬🇧

After dinner we played a game called « Alibi » based on our « words of the day ». Then some of us decided to go see some foxes , while others decided to stay at the hostel to rest.

(written by Émilie and Zoé)

Le lieu

Londres Rotherhithe

Le Quotidien sur Place

Toutes les photos : https://www.osi-photos.org/thumbnai...


Émilia Robin, Rozenn Troufleau, Chloe Brown


YHA (Youth Hostel Association) Thameside in London Rotherhithe

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