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Rencontres de l''excellence du 4 au 15 aout 2021 Genève à la place de Londres

Le Rhône, les écosystèmes et les droits de la Nature Voir descriptif détaillé

Rencontres de l''excellence du 4 au 15 aout 2021 Genève à la place de Londres

Le Rhône, les écosystèmes et les droits de la Nature Voir descriptif détaillé

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Des voyages scientifiques qui changent le monde
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Le Journal de Bord

04 août 2021
Tout le monde est bien arrivé et installé à l’auberge de jeunesse.
Plus d’informations dès demain, racontées par les participants.

Wednesday, August 4th – Day 1

Today, we arrived in Geneva. We discovered the youth hostel and our
bedrooms. Then we met the others for the first time. We were shy
because we didn’t know one another. After that, we went at the take
away to order 6 pizzas. After dinner, we did some games and each one
introduced himself.

Thursday, August 5th – Day 2

Today, we wrote the rules we have to respect and what we are going to
do during the stay. We defined six different roles that we will take
by turns : taking pictures, moderating the discussions, doing the
groceries, observe the schedule, manage the equipment and writing this

In the afternoon, we visited Geneva. We asked to some people in the town in english about where they come from. Then we visited the old town, we drew a poster with all the qualities of each one. At the beginning of the evening we went to an exhibition about aquatic mythological creatures, and we ate in a restaurant.

Friday, August 6th – Day 3

Today, we went in the park near the youth hostel. We played a game about ecosystems and we created a poster about that. We decided the main subject of our project with a mindmap.

In the afternoon, we saw a video about the nature’s rights done by Munta Ito, next talked about leadership and the we have done the retroplanning for the next days.

In the evening, Auguste proposed a game and we played it. It was very funny.

Saturday, August 7th - Day 4

Today, we started our research about our problematic : How do the Geneva inhabitants manage their waste ?
We wrote a poll in order to have some data about the inhabitant’s habits. We started to plan the video. In the evening, we watched a movie together.

Sunday, August 8th - Day 5

This morning, we interviewed Cédric Gaucherel about ecosystems. We wrote the first part of the video. Early in the afternoon, we translated the texts.

Later,we watched and talked about at the hero’s journey and after we did a track game in Geneva.

Monday, August 9th - Day 6

Today we start the turning of « well » and an other groupe write the text of the presentation for this afternoon.

This afternoon, we met the founder of OSI and after we did a poll in Genevia.

Tuesday, August 10th - Day 7

Today, we wake up late and we went to a place called « La Jonction », where the river Arve join the Rhône.

We walked in the woods and after come back work again the planning to update it. This evening, we went to a brazilian restaurant.

Wenesday, August 11th - Day 8

Today, we went to the lake ( a natural waterpool with a climbing wall). We answered to the few experts who recontacted us to plan an online meeting.

In the afternoon, we started to write the texts for the video. We did few tasks for the video like begin the video editing or write questions for experts. At the beginning of the night, we went to the park near the hostel because there was many shooting stars. We’ve seen a bit of them.

Thursday, August 12th - Day 9

This morning, we started the modelling but we just did a training to understand the goal of the modelling. After that, we called Blandine Caquet, the director of the WaterWatch project. This project consist to do analyses of the water arriving into Geneva Lake.

This afternoon, we had a conference with Mumta Ito, the founder of the association Nature’s Rights. She presented us her vision of the world with and without nature’s rights. After that, we translated the texts we have to tell in the final video and Léo-Paul recorded his voice for the introduction « Well » of the video.

Friday, August 13th - Day 10

Today, we finished the modelling, then we finished to translate the texts and we created some illustrations for our video.

The evening, we played a game with Fort Boyard-like challenges.

Saturday, August 14th - Day 11

This morning, we finalized the video editing.

Here is our result :
la video- retransmission !


Before lunch, we talked about the qualities a researcher needs.
We spent the afternoon in Geneva and took a ride to the ferris wheel in the evening.

Saturday, August 14th - Day 11

For our last day, we took a moment to talk about the general impressions of our stay. Then, we went to the lake before saying goodbye.

Photos / Vidéos

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